
Tuesday, October 27, 2009 

Election Campaigns End in Parties (allAfrica)

Dancing, music, a lack of violence and a high participation characterised the final day of the campaign on Sunday, according to reports from our 100 journalists across Mozambique.

Thousands attended the "showmícios" – a mix of a political rally and a show with bands – in the big cities, while there was singing and dancing even in smaller towns.

The closing of the campaign was overwhelmingly peaceful, although the were a few arrests and skirmishes between supporters of different parties.

Frelimo was active in all provinces and districts. Renamo and the MDM were present in most, but not all. On the final days of the campaign, Frelimo continued to use government vehicles, which underlined its advantages compared to the other parties which had much less money and fewer resources. – Tânia Frechauth