We are happy to announce our winners in the 1st Small Businesses Support Fund #SBS2017. We got thousands of entries via the hashtag but the sorting process was made a lot easier once those that did not meet the stipulated instructions were removed from the prospective pool of winners. We are glad to see some of the winners are committed to excellence and #MadeInNigeria . For those that did not win this time, this is only a first, you can win during the next opportunities. Those of you whose businesses are in Lagos should apply for the Lagos State Entrepreneurship Fund via http://lsetf.ng/pilot-scheme , you can also engage them on Twitter @LSETF. You never know. Have my best wishes.
At least 70 per cent of the businesses are owned by women. All the winners will have their accounts funded between Saturday 7th January, 2017 and Friday 13th January, 2017. More details will be released about the winning businesses once they are formally engaged. The total sum to be shared is about N2.7m in cash and website development services, apart from the media and professional support. Winners will also get some business development training from our volunteers.
- @ShirahSpeaks F Health/Beauty N50,000.00
- @_Abigeal_ F Beauty N100,000.00
- @Fadil_Shehu M Construction N60,000.00
- @nnannaesthernne F Agriculture N100,000.00
- @SegunAribisala M Agriculture N60,000.00
- @Soup_A_Market F Food N100,000.00
- @CrayfishWorld F Food N100,000.00 + Free website development
- @Irinajo_NG M Travel/Tourism N100,000.00
- @Solely_Eko M Shoes N100,000.00
- @CuteTgurl F Food N100,000.00
- @Royal_Seams F Fashion N80,000.00
- @Jessy4u2nvy F Clothing N80,000.00
- @SholaGbemi M N80,000.00
- @SmileOnFoods/Fashion F N80,000.00
- @MzYeni F Catering Services N70,000.00
- @OsoOyindamola F Industrial Sewing N80,000.00
- @MzPutee F Clothing N50,000.00
- @Edatosin M Card Production N80,000.00
- @StFidelixx M Printing services N80,000.00
- @Motundeotun F Beauty N50,000.00
- @Monsfala F Services N80,000.00
- @BoluAkindele M Photography N100,000.00
- @Amzainny F Beauty N50,000.00
- @Mukhtharrr M Printing Services N70,000.00
- @Middlemandotcom Logistics N70,000.00
- @Dazee_zita F Services N100,000.00
- @Ajoke_Adesanya F Services N80,000.00
- @Whema F Confectionary N50,000.00
- @pfA_BITES F Confectionary N50,000.00
- @voofrev F Confectionary N50,000.00
- @Stanley8705 M Shoemaker N75,000.00
- @astoldby_sara F Food N75,000.00
- @teetee5_couture F Clothing 75,000.00
- @msfresh_ope F Beauty N50,000.00
- @Queenteemarh F Beauty 50,000.00
Bonus: @FatimaAbdulkar9 F N30,000.00 (She didn’t apply herself to the instructions but she is a student who needs just N30,000.00 to get going. We simply used our discretion to grant her the request. This is why hers is listed as a bonus.)
Winners should send an email with their twitter handles and #SBS2017 as subject. The email should contain their bank account numbers, full name and gender of business owner, phone number(s), address of business or business owner and social media handles of said businesses. Email info@thealphareach.com. Please note that emails that do not adhere to these instructions will be deleted at source.
PS: The sum attached to each winner’s handle was either what they requested for in their applications or we used our discretion to ensure a fair distribution of the fund.
F = Female Business Owner
M = Male Business Owner
© JJ. Omojuwa