Beyond Talk, Time to Act: A Call Out to all Stakeholders – #NES22 Summary by Godfrey Adebamiro

“The path to success is to take massive determined actions” – Tony Robbins

The perception Nigerian have of summits and conferences is that of networking, all talks, some delicacies and it ends there. It is not that the ‘talks’ aren’t valid and loaded with potential solutions; it is rather the will to act that we continually have a problem with.

As the major discussions and break away sessions happened at the NESG yearly summit, a ray of hope seemed to shine on my face. Seeing President Buhari, vice President Osinbajo, ministers of the federal republic and the private sector sit and talk about various Nigerian issues and the way forward, you’ll just see how important the #MadeinNigeria theme should be to us all.


At the end of it all came the summary of the summit. It captured everything from the various sessions and discussions. Five key sub themes were highlighted and put forward by panelist, industrialist and government officials as key areas that need attention. NESG summed these themes into a ‘Will of progress’. I prefer ‘wheels of progress’ because when each wheel moves, it in turn drive the other. The wheels are set as motor gears, each independent but interdependent.

The NES22 ‘Wills of Progress’ mentions the following.

  • The need to change our our attitude and behavior to already existing made in Nigeria attempts (products, services, technology and mentality).
  • The next gear on the will was on the need to establish a surefootedness and clear communication of policies to engender investor and citizen confidence which should be driven by a well articulated National Development Plan which sets our developmental priorities, choices and paths straight and is accessible locally and internationally for anyone willing to invest. A clear example is taken from the Rwanda success story.
  • The need to improve the ‘Ease of Doing Business’ in Nigeria was charged to the presidency as a front burner.
  • On finance, the summit suggests the development which allows banks provide long-term capital for on-lending as well as a review of things excluded on the FOREX Market.
  • On technology, the summit is of the opinion that having tech hubs and corridors laden with tech infrastructures in key cities alongside creative industrial parks and alternative sources and renewable energy should be the next priority.


The full breakdown is available on the NESG App when you download it (app download link –

Talk is cheap, the ‘wills of progress’ should really be what they are – A WILL! Not just from the government or the NESG but from all of us. In the meantime NESG maintains it will continue to meet and discuss and call relevant stakeholders.

ON our part as an individual, we owe it a duty to reach out and challenge the government, NESG and most Importantly the media, so everyone is kept on their toes to deliver on what #MadeinNigeria truly entails i.e. economic growth and self sustainability.

Godfrey is a banker, data analyst and loves commenting on political and societal issues.