Zimbabwe: Tsvangirai Dismisses Results

 MDC-T president Morgan Tsvangirai today dismissed the general election held on Wednesday as 'a huge farce' and a 'nullity' amidst reports that his party was likely to lose heavily to Zanu PF in the general election especially in Mashonaland provinces, Manicaland and Masvingo.

Tsvangirai made the comments at press briefing that was attended by both local and foreign journalists ahead of Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec)'s announcement of official results.

Tsvangirai said his party has cited a number of irregularities in the polls that makes the whole exercise a farce.

"Our conclusion is that this election has been a huge farce," Tsvangirai said.

He said the unavailability of an updated voters roll was an anomaly that is not expected in free and fair polls.

"The voters roll was only made available on Tuesday and in hard copy form difficult to verify and analyse," Tsvangirai said.

He added: "It is our view that this election is null and void."

Tsvangirai further told MPs and councillors who won on the MDC-T ticket that it was not time to celebrate their perceived victory.

He said there was massive bussing of people in Harare East, Epworth and Hatfield constituencies in an elaborate plan to rig the result in Harare, an MDC-T stronghold since 2000.

Tsvangirai cited the partisan conduct of traditional leaders in rural areas and the militarisation of the electoral process as impediments to the holding of free, fair and credible elections.

Zec is still to announce the official poll results despite polling having ended at 7pm on Wednesday.