Students and Young Professional Liberty Academy, August 1-6, 2009

Application Deadline: July 10, 2009

About You




*First name:

*Last name:

*Date of Birth:


*Country of Citizenship:


Contact Information:

Your Permanent Address:





*Zip/Postal Code:



Cell Phone:


Your Mailing address





*Zip/Postal Code:



Where do you prefer to be contacted?
Mailing Address Permanent Address

Academic Information:

*Your College/University:

*Major or Graduate Program:

*Date/Expected Date
of Graduation

*Grade Point Average (on 4.0 scale):

Academic Reference



*Are you applying for a scholarship? (note that the applicant pool for scholarship applicants will be extremely competitive)



You and Us:

*Have you attended an IMANI seminar before?


Yes, I am an IMANI Alum!
Year Attended

Seminar Attended


No, I am new!
How did you learn about IMANI?

*Have you attended an African event Before?


Yes, I am an African Alumi
Year Attended

Seminar Attended


No, I am new!
How did you learn about African

In 150 words, list and explain your highest accomplishments. Provide references (with the positions and contact details of persons who can verify these accomplishments if need be).


In 250 words, describe an idea you have encountered that you believe can change Africa.  Include in your discussion at least one empirical reference.


*I agree to adhere to African's Rules during the seminar
Please enter your name:

All applications received by April 25, 2009 would automatically be given two important books by Frederic Bastiat and Johan Norberg.  

Read the introductions to the books here
Frederic Bastiat

Johan Norberg

Note: We will not evaluate incomplete applications.



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